Wednesday, October 17, 2012

#38 Test print pieces

Wow, I had a lot of activity for about a week then it all ended. I hope in the next month to get more active again in regards to game making. I'm almost done painting all the figures that have been made so far. I think I just have the Legacy barriers to complete and some details on the User Avatar to finish. So onto the purpose of this post!

I was fooling around with some token ideas awhile back for a different game (one that involves tabletop warfare) and thought it might be nice to make some 2d pieces to use with DC mainly due to me not wanting to break any of them from transporting them around. I basically just made a hexagon threw in a pic (of my favorite character) and I think it should work fine. Though Omar is working on some new versions of the characters... maybe I should just take pics of the completed miniatures and add some fancy effects in Photoshop. I like that idea better. Guess that means I better finish all the Legacy side figures...

So here's the test piece anyways:

I haven't quite gotten the color down, Photoshop keeps wanting to correct it. Now I'm thinking maybe I should make everything outlines and hand color them. Okay, that's about it for me tonight. I'm watching Adventure Time and that's pretty distracting.

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